Creative Block
Ive been dealing with a huge bout of creative block lately.
As an artist, a creative person, this isnt a new experience. Im frequently stuck in ruts and lows of my creative practice especially as a working artist who relies on creating for income. I think often of the pressures of living in a capitalist world where everyone needs to comodify themselves and their hobbies in order to survive. Its understandable to feel a lose of spark, passion or inspiration.
I am, however, also a person who leans into the natural rhythms and cycles of myself and my body and the world at large. And has a disabled artist, listening to my body and energy is incredibly important.
Right now i am finding that my creative block is split into two areas.
The lack of ability (energy, material, environment) to do the work I want to do.
Im stuck in bed or in immense pain and discomfort that I cannot put any of myself into creating. Its the middle of winter and I am itching to lay outside on a blanket painting but theres just been another snow storm and it feels like spring will never come. Im out of a certain material or I dont have the supplies for a new medium i want to try.
Beginning the piece at all.
Im sitting on the stool in front of the table with all my materials and an idea in my head, but where the fuck do I start? What if I mess it up? And a big one: What if its not good enough to sell?
Afew things Im trying out:
Sitting with myself, my thoughts and my feelings. Reflecting on what im hearing in my head, the voice that is telling I cant do it. Journaling is helping alot (and writing this blog)
Going slow. Starting small with materials and ideas i enjoy.
Playing with the materials i love and focusing on the feeling of using them.
Just doing it. This one is hard because it takes alot of courage but the art wont make itself so at some point I just have to do it.
Letting it be whatever it is. Im trying to let go of an outcome even if its my initial inspiration.
This is a great place to share the upcoming round of The Artist Child starting March 19th (the Spring Equinox).
I created the course and prompts to help others find that inner creative, and childlike wonder of art. We experiment with messy art, self-portraits, scribbling, and plenty of other fun exercises.
The Artist Child is completely free to join and you can even do it at your own pace.
You can find all the information by clicking this link.
I hope to see you there!